Kentucky Residents Receive Federal Emergency Text Alert – Warns of “Civil Emergency” and Says “Prepare for Action”

By Eric Odom


7:37 pm December 9, 2014

We’ve known about a forced federal government “back door” into cell phone software for some time now. It’s no secret the federal government can now send alerts to your cell phone and you cannot opt out of the “service” such activity provides. But seeing it actively used brings it all to a whole new level. A frightening level, some might say. And thousands of Kentucky residents got a taste of what it’s like to get a federal emergency warning alert on their cell phones thanks to an alleged “human error” on the part of the fed.

The alert, first reported here, warns of a “civil emergency” and tells residents to “prepare for action.”

Thousands of cellphone users in Kentucky were surprised to receive an “emergency alert” from the federal government warning them to “prepare for action,” a message local authorities later blamed on “human error” during testing.

The alert, which was was sent out to people in the Corbin and London areas of Southern Kentucky earlier today, came from the Emergency Operations Center in Frankfort via the Federal Communication Commission’s Wireless Emergency Alert system.

The messages are designed to warn local residents of immediate safety threats in their area, but some have criticized the “government alerts” as being invasive.

Frankfort Emergency Operations spokesman Buddy Rogers said that the alert was mistakenly sent out “during testing” and was the result of “a computer error, followed by a human error.”

Back in 2011, the FCC began to roll out emergency government alerts to cellphone users in major cities before the program was made mandatory on all new smartphones. Although a user can opt out of some of the alerts, presidential messages direct from the White House cannot be turned off.

Thoughts on this? If the government is testing such a message, surely they anticipate a scenario where it would need to be used in a realistic scenario, right?


Kentucky Residents Complain of Low Flying Military Choppers During Government ‘Alert’

Locals flood Sheriff’s Department with complaints after “prepare for action” warning sent to cellphones

Kentucky Residents Complain of Low Flying Military Choppers During Government 'Alert'

by Paul Joseph Watson | December 10, 2014


Kentucky residents flooded the Laurel Co. Sheriff Department’s Facebook page with complaints about low flying military helicopters which coincided with a government “emergency alert” sent to thousands of people’s cellphones yesterday.

As we reported, the FCC emergency alert which warned residents in the Corbin and London areas of Southern Kentucky to “prepare for action,” was sent as a result of “human error,” according to Frankfort Emergency Operations spokesman Buddy Rogers.

However, over a hundred respondents flooded the comments of a Sheriff Department’s Facebook post, many of whom reported seeing military helicopters performing low-flying maneuvers immediately after the alert was sent out.

Residents also contacted Infowars, with one writing, “I’m a London Kentucky resident who received this horrible message today along with all of my friends and family. The most un-nerving part of it all was all of the Black Hawk Helicopters in our skies at the same time… This was NO ACCIDENT!!!”

The reader went on to state that locals watched the helicopters “take off from our tiny airport out of nowhere”.

Another reader sent us a picture of four military helicopters which he snapped near his home during the alert.

Comments made by residents on the Facebook page attested to how frightened people were by both the alarming nature of the alert message and the sound of low flying military choppers rattling their roofs.

“What was the deal with the low flying Chinook that rattled my roof shortly before the test msg,” asked Casey Woods.

“6 black helicopters above our house this morning shook the whole house!! Then this..scary!” stated Leila Hughes.

“Black hawks everywhere…something isn’t right.. or is it just a parade?” questioned Kyndra Mink.

“If it was just a test then how come 6 army helicopters was flying in formation over Clay Co just moments after the text was sent out?” asked Angie Gibson.

The fact that the helicopters left London airport immediately after the alert message was sent out led some to fear that a terrorist attack or other major event had taken place, while others expressed the view that the whole sequence of events was a test run for martial law.

“I don’t care what they say, that wasn’t a test, it was a warning….there’s a few other comments from people that know what I’m talking about,” stated Vince Bowling.

“Maybe they just want us to think it’s a test,” said Angel Norton.

Another theory making the rounds was that the initial text message was sent out to the wrong group and that it was initially only meant for government employees and emergency responders.

As we previously highlighted, similar emergency alert messages have also prompted confusion and panic, including in New Jersey after Verizon customers received text messages warning them that a “civil emergency” was in progress and to “take shelter,” prompting alarmed citizens to flood 911 lines with anxious calls.

Back in October, television viewers in numerous states were interrupted by an alert directly from the White House which warned them to stand by for an emergency message and not to use their phones.

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison